this is wrong but...

Sunday, November 13, 2005 | 16:54 | 4 comments

So today at church, my most favourite and bestest preacher stepped up to the monthly challenge of extolling the lord's message to the congregation. It was Matthew 25:14-30, the parable of the talents. Terrifying deep passage with great hidden themes and signifcant things to say about being christian in the modern age. Okay i'm laying on the sarcasm pretty thick here, but simply reading the passage opens up the basic themes of the passage, doesnt take a great intellect to see the obvious messages such as, "dont be lazy", "be a good steward" or "god appoints each individual gifts and it is up to you to bring these talents to bring harvest for the lord". The advantage of the parable is amazingly these messages are brought right to the reader without the need of in-depth thought. Now my bestest bestest pastor decided to take an interesting 45 minutes fairy ride through the passge lacing it with very true and very irrelevant anecdotes which were meant to emphasis his point. Something akin to a young, fresh and single police officer telling two older experienced and married with child police officers to go home and let him handle this case of a baby drowning. The older police officers were struck hard emotionally by the case and the young man relieved them of this pain. A great story of compassion and emotional sensitivity, a truly compassionate step, yes i agree. But does it have relevance to the passage? Erhm no. The parable involved the use of talents to create a payoff of sorts, there is no correlation between the two and no attempt to even draw a correlation. Great story, no relevance equals super weak point. Oh, another interesting point is how evil the television is and how much time people waste on the tv. Definitely drawing a parallel with all TV watchers and the lazy wicked servant. Yes i agree with that point, yes watching TV is largely unproductive, yes we should turn it off and do something more productive. But no this is what our bestest bestest pastor had to say about the topic, i paraphase, "turn off the TV and read a book". Seriously, whats going on? So instead of wasting my time watching TV, i should waste my time reading a book? It could be slighlty more intellectual on average, but how is that working and reaping fruits for the kingdom of God? Please stop with the gross generalisation and injection of personal prefernces of media choice. Fortunately today's point was so obvious it was even difficult for him to stray off topic. A few things that can be learnt, TV is the devil, not doing something productive is the devil, reading the books is not the devil, stock trading is the devil, sitting on your computer and trading is also the devil. Also academic police administrators suck, and those who dont have an education are much more practical and productive. Academic means lazy police man, sutpid and uneducated means more productive. Such meaningless and guilt-laden dribble. I walked out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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5:36 PM  
Blogger trish said...

u should talk to him muz, i shall not post further thoughts here, but u can msg me :)

6:04 PM  
Blogger princess_party said...

"technically" you were already out(side)..would you have walked out if you were sitting in the front?

i would have to agree with a few points you made..i didn't like his generalisations about how tv is evil..i guess his story about the young police man wasn't relevant exactly to the passage but maybe he just really wanted to tell that story =)

u forgot the bit where he cracked that asians not wearing seat belts joke..oh hang on...u'd already walked out by one laughed..

9:00 PM  
Blogger noodles said...

shhh cynth.. it was a very dramatic exit =D, actually i think i would have walked out anyway.

cant believe he went RACIAL!! *sigh*

9:27 AM  

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