things are getting stranger...

Thursday, January 05, 2006 | 22:05 | 2 comments

so hello people wh read this, i cant imagine there are many of ou since my updates are so infrequent. but just as a genral update for my ozn god and our knowledge i have travelled successfully to morroco zithout being ripped off.

Yes you did read correctly , I am in Morocco , Fez to be exact. Took a train from barcelona to malaga then a bus from malaga to algercerias and then a ferry to tanger and then an overnight train and arrived at 230am. It was a great excursion dozn and meeting people is always fun, esecialy australians in this little corner of the world is amazing.I was also surprised to see the japanese down here as well, i think as much as the moroccans.

But geez, i feel greatly inadequate not knowing any other languages besides my native tongues; right now im shooting myself for not seriously learning french. People lie, if 90 percent of what people say is through body language then apparently i speak 0 body. For the overnight train i was accompanied by a young attractve moroccan girl and we are spose to meet up while im here. The catch is she doesnt speak english and i dont speak french. Man, its gonna be such a super struggle phone call.

The main reason for this post/email is that i read something about people being kidnaped and sold to slavery, which on one hand zould be very adventurous, i dont think i zold enjoy it as my stay gets extended indefinitely. So i figured i should a least begin the cookie crumb trail so one of you guys can track me down if need be.

So im at Fez, stayed at hotel central and internetting at anasoft.Come find me.


Blogger PiCkLeS said...

LoL i realise that the key board might be a bit different there i.e. the 'z' is where the 'w' key usually is but it's almost like reading the blog of someone who was typing whilst drunk! ehhe

Have a great trip!

8:04 AM  
Blogger Dianna said...

who ARE you.
firstly, my friend Muzz should be in Osaka Japan
secondly, my friend Muzz doesn't talk funny like that.
you are not my friend Muzz!!!!

Kenny: Je t'aime is what I think you're trying to say!! =)

Muzz just say "je ne parle pas francais", and you'll be good.

7:02 PM  

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