succint self analysis born from sleep deprivation and maligned ambition

Tuesday, October 07, 2008 | 07:38 | 1 comments

bonds are like pants. You love them, but as time goes on, they tend to wear and tear and break down. If you are diligent you can constantly repair your pants and patch it here and there. Over time, you'll probably get a totally different pair of pants but they are still your favourites. Those who fall off the radar a little, deterioate to the point where it's no longer a simple stitch and fix. Sometimes this means you have to say "this is it, the end of the line" and part ways with the overly damaged pair.

I'm no good at goodbyes, im not too diligent at maintainence. I wish i could own more pants, i wish i could get some new pants. But it might have come to the point where i have to trade in my old pair for new ones.

I like my old pants... i need to learn more about mending.


Blogger Vivien said...

Some pants mend themselves without you even trying much! Mine seem to.. pants maintenance is just a matter of making time, isn't it?

Haha this analogy is starting to make me giggle.. there are invisible men who come and mend our pants at night! yeah!

10:11 PM  

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