caught a dodgy taxi to the airport, waiting for the flight to Xi'an

Monday, November 30, 2009 | 19:50 | 0 comments

So two days in shanghai went quickly, it started off slowly and a few typical "this is china" experiences has made it interesting. Having not researched anything about Shanghai, I set out with my cameras on the first day and had quite an interesting photo walk day. Shanghai in this sense is very interesting constantly providing kewl phto opportunities. In only a few streets you can go from crazy gliz glam to down right rubbles. I wasn't too keen on the gliz-glam and the massive shopping streets and once you get away from them you can really get the shanghai atmosphere. 

Highlights were finding local food markets in tiny alleys, some odd ruins, bonding with the local lamb skewer vendor, making the locals laugh (at me) and seeing some awesome local clothes markets followed by a food BONANZA. 

Oh and the food was surprisingly awesome! Thanks goto Faith and Grace for showing me around and giving me some local tips. Major wins are steam buns, shien jun, shiao lung bao, LAMB SKEWERS.

There's a lot of interesting things about the Shanghai people, but to be put shortly I think if you can break the crust which inevitable forms with such large populations they are at least honest, if not friendly people. Sometimes, the crust is very thick though, but at least I was never hassled =P

uh oh. gate change gotta run!


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