Click here for full article. i will just highlight a few dubious quotes that are probably the reason why the phrase "bible-bashing" was invented.
Most people equate atheism with intellectualism," explained Comfort in a statement, "but it's actually an intellectual embarrassment. I am amazed at how many people think that God's existence is a matter of faith. It's not, and I will prove it at the debate – once and for all. This is not a joke. I will present undeniable scientific proof that God exists."
haha very funny, sorry mate, doesnt exist. Though there isn't any proof that God doesn't exist, but then theres the whole fallacy its much harder to prove a negative then a positive statement. I'm quite sure his proof will be denied in about 0.5 seconds.
"Evolution is unscientific. In reality, it is a blind faith that's preached with religious zeal as the gospel truth. I'm embarrassed to admit that I was once a naïve believer in the theory," said the former television star in a statement. "Atheism has become very popular in universities – where it's taught that we evolved from animals and that there are no moral absolutes. So we shouldn't be surprised when there are school shootings."
ignorance, sheer ignorance. Evolution is not a blind faith, the fossils in the ground are pretty good evidence despite a large number of discrepancies, not to mention dna evidence, micro-biology and the Neanderthals. What do christians have? Intelligent design? "oh look its sooooooooo complicated, how can it possibly have evolved, some thing must have made it" It could just as easily be aliens, flying spaghetti monster or God? What a stupid position to push. Secondly, the link between evolution and "no moral absolutes" is very weak, random evolution doesn't rob the human race of it's humanity. Morals can be explained as evolved pre-programmed behaviour, i.e. people try to be nice to each other for self-preservation rather then a religious belief.
In addition, the sheer manipulation embedded in the statement disgusts me. Draws strong correlation between the two sides of the debate, admits that he was of the other side but through his "intellect" has already chosen the correct choice. Finishing off by tying a emotional and tragic event to his cause. Disgusting manipulation in a zero fact statement.
i feel for the Christian cause, perhaps this media event will help convert people to Christianity but most likely atheist will hand our arses to us. I hope i'm wrong.. i pray there is a purpose to this madness.
Most people equate atheism with intellectualism," explained Comfort in a statement, "but it's actually an intellectual embarrassment. I am amazed at how many people think that God's existence is a matter of faith. It's not, and I will prove it at the debate – once and for all. This is not a joke. I will present undeniable scientific proof that God exists."
haha very funny, sorry mate, doesnt exist. Though there isn't any proof that God doesn't exist, but then theres the whole fallacy its much harder to prove a negative then a positive statement. I'm quite sure his proof will be denied in about 0.5 seconds.
"Evolution is unscientific. In reality, it is a blind faith that's preached with religious zeal as the gospel truth. I'm embarrassed to admit that I was once a naïve believer in the theory," said the former television star in a statement. "Atheism has become very popular in universities – where it's taught that we evolved from animals and that there are no moral absolutes. So we shouldn't be surprised when there are school shootings."
ignorance, sheer ignorance. Evolution is not a blind faith, the fossils in the ground are pretty good evidence despite a large number of discrepancies, not to mention dna evidence, micro-biology and the Neanderthals. What do christians have? Intelligent design? "oh look its sooooooooo complicated, how can it possibly have evolved, some thing must have made it" It could just as easily be aliens, flying spaghetti monster or God? What a stupid position to push. Secondly, the link between evolution and "no moral absolutes" is very weak, random evolution doesn't rob the human race of it's humanity. Morals can be explained as evolved pre-programmed behaviour, i.e. people try to be nice to each other for self-preservation rather then a religious belief.
In addition, the sheer manipulation embedded in the statement disgusts me. Draws strong correlation between the two sides of the debate, admits that he was of the other side but through his "intellect" has already chosen the correct choice. Finishing off by tying a emotional and tragic event to his cause. Disgusting manipulation in a zero fact statement.
i feel for the Christian cause, perhaps this media event will help convert people to Christianity but most likely atheist will hand our arses to us. I hope i'm wrong.. i pray there is a purpose to this madness.
btw, Mr. Comfort, IF ANYTHING IS A BLIND FAITH, it's Christianity.
"Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe."
John 20:19-29
John 20:19-29
wow thoughtful debate on your part... flying spaghetti monster?!?! hahaha bless you.
Wiki entry for the belief of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. peeve night is it?
ha =) i spose so. Doesn't really qualify into my pet peeves thou, just wish the guy had some intelligence before he declared to the world he had undeniable scientific proof of God.
When he comes short of his promise, and he most definitely will, it reflects badly on the Christian stereotype.
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